Do Weight Loss Supplements Actually Work?
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Do Weight Loss Supplements Actually Work Or Is It A Myth?
The interesting thing about weight loss supplements is that there are thousands of them on the market, some experts claim they don’t work, and it’s a growing industry. So what’s going on? Are weight loss supplements a myth or a reality? In this article, we’ll delve into what weight loss supplements do, don’t do, and how to use them using the information found in Healthenergyguru’s Best Supplement Stack for Weight Loss article.
The Weight Loss Supplement Paradox
What if we told you that weight loss supplements are completely unnecessary yet highly effective? The paradox to weight loss supplements comes from the fact that they only work if you’re already on track to losing weight. This means that you already have:
- Consistent workout routine.
- A consistent and healthy diet.
- Consistent sleep schedule (optional, but highly recommended).
If you already have those 3 things in place, then you’re already losing weight. So why get a weight loss supplement? The answer is because they will accelerate your results.
What Weight Loss Supplements Do
Weight loss supplements enhance your physical performance, metabolism, energy, mood, cognition, and just about everything you can think of. They make you a little more super-human than you usually are by providing your body with the nutrients and minerals that it needs to operate at maximum potential.
To put this into context, they can make you last longer during a cardio workout, thus increasing the number of calories you burn. They can improve your sleep, thus improving your recovery rate while decreasing fatigue. They can give your body the tools it needs to regulate insulin and glucose, thus reducing the amount of fat you create. And probably what’s most amazing is that they can actually trigger weight loss genes to activate.
Looking at all these benefits, they all require you to be already an active person working towards your weight loss goals with discipline.
As a final point, the word “supplement” means “in addition to”, not “replacement”. This means that you can’t replace good habits with weight loss supplements and expect good results.
Weight Loss Supplement Myth Busting
Weight loss supplements do not directly burn fat. If you’re obese and you pop 500 weight loss pills, you won’t magically end up skinny.
Weight loss supplements do not work if you’re not exercising or eating right. Your weight is a direct reflection of your lifestyle and diet. The only way to see long-term results is to change life habits.
Most common weight loss supplements do not have any evidence to back up their efficacy. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take them, it just means that nobody really knows does it work for weight loss or not.
Some of the common weight loss supplements that don’t have research to back them up include Garcinia Cambogia, Raspberry Ketones, Glucomannan, and CLA. In addition, although Hydroxycut does provide minimal results, it’s also linked to acute liver failure and should be avoided.
Some of the lesser-known but effective weight loss supplements that do work, and thanks to Healthenergyguru for doing all the research, include Magnesium Citrate, Resveratrol, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Green Tea Extract (GTE), Caffeine, Beta-Alanine, and Creatine.
Weight loss supplements are a great way to accelerate your results. They don’t work if you don’t have a healthy lifestyle, but if you do, they’re a powerful weapon. If you’re looking for more health tips, then make sure to read our guide on the ten best weight loss exercises.
The List
What are the best weight loss supplements to use?
The following are the best weight loss supplements to consider.
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Zenwise Digestive Enzymes Plus Prebiotics & Probiotics Supplement
PreWorkout Powder with Beet Root & ACV
This supplement contains a formula with beetroot, ACV, and a caffeine blend, you get the nutrients you need to move beyond any plateau you find, and keep climbing.
Celery Juice Whole Food Powder, Unflavored
- Cleanses and Detoxifies the Body
- Alkalizing Formula Promotes Digestion
- Supports Weight Management